PIP and SETUPtools are both .whl files in Python 3.6 .. how do you open them?
Can't install other modules because first and only version of Python I have is what I just installed. In: C:UsersGMAppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython36-32Libensurepip_bundled are 2 files: pip-9.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl and setuptools-28.8.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl ... I can't download modules using PIP because I can't open the .whl files. I don't have any other reference to PIP in any of the directories so I think this is how I am supposed to get PIP. Does anyone know how to do this?
I just checked my other laptop and it has the PIP folder in /site packages ... I reinstalled Python 3.6 four times on the first laptop to see if the PIP folder would show up. But it never did. I also tried the Repair option on the install but still no PIP folder. Both of my laptops run windows 10.
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pip comes with your installation of Python. It's possible pip wasn't added to your path.
...etc. You can also google how to add something to your path in windows, so you don't have to type all that out in the future. Usually if you've installed python and it is your only python installation, you should be able to just type "pip install xyz" ...including if xyz is a file, you can do "pip install xyz.whl"
-Harrison 8 years ago
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I did a full UNinstallation of Python 3.6. Did a fresh installation and got an error that popped-up during the install of tcl/tk support (at least that is what was on the screen at the time that the install paused with the error code 2203 at 0x80070643. I continued the install but at the end it gave me a Fatal Error Code.
I then did a complete UNinstall again and deleted all temp files and instances or downloaded Pythons from my download files by doing a Disk Clean Drive (I don't know that this made a difference but I wanted to note that I did it since I don't know that it didn't make the difference in the next install). I also shut off my Avast Anti-Virus, SuperAntiSpyware, my HP monitor (printer).
I then downloaded Python 3.6 again but did an install directly into C:/. Before I began the install I closed my browser and windows file explorer. The install was SUCCESSFUL, no error codes, and I checked my /site packages/ and found PIP and SetUpTools.
For what it is worth I pasted the Notepad Error Log from the prior failed installation.
-GMRsr 8 years ago
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Sheesh, sorry to hear about all your woes here. Sounds like you're on your way now though, right?
-Harrison 8 years ago
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You could also add pip to your path with the following:
set PATH %PATH%;path to the python scripts folder here
this will add the path to pip and should help you out.
-JRuehs 8 years ago
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This is why Windows sucks for coding / development. Get virtualbox and install ubuntu 16 on it. All your troubles will disappear.
-kingfitz 8 years ago
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